9 tips to refresh your body

Because “water” in the body is very important to health. Both help maintain the temperature. Create mineral balance Including helping bring nutrients to various parts of the body, making the skin flexible. It is also a component that helps lubricate various joints. In the body as well It is important to drink enough water each day.
9 tips to refresh your body Take care of your health every day.
1. Drink a little warm water in the morning. Helps make excretion better.
2. You should drink water slowly. To prevent choking
3. After taking medicine and food Drink at least 1 glass of water.
4. You should not drink water all the time while eating. Or eat it like Khao Kham Nam Kham If your throat feels stiff Drink soup instead.
5. Increase your water intake. By allowing you to drink your favorite beverages during the day. But you should refrain from drinking drinks that are very sweet. Choose drinks that don’t have added sugar. Or is it a recipe that reduces sugar?
6. Do not share containers for drinking water with others. You should use personal containers with tight lids for good hygiene. and can prevent contamination from various contagious diseases
7. Choose to drink clean, safe water. Through ufabet https://ufabet999.app standardized production processes such as bottled water that uses fine filtration technology. and has received FDA certification.
8. Increase skin care for good health. You should eat enough protein per day. You may choose drinks that are high in protein along with collagen supplements. A specific type that has research supporting it, such as Bioactive Collagen Peptide that has a small molecule. Helps stimulate the creation of new collagen in the skin. Helps make the skin more flexible (for those of you who have congenital diseases that require you to limit your protein intake per day You should consult your doctor or dietitian. for proper health care as well)
9. Choose to eat less sweet fruits that are high in vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A, such as guava, rose apple, dragon fruit, grapefruit, strawberry, watermelon, which help fight free radicals. and helps create collagen tissue Makes skin care more effective